Inuit Nunangat
Madeleine Redfern, LLB, was born in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Madeleine has 30 years of experience working in business and governance, on issues related to economic development, housing, education, employment and training, justice, community services, early childhood development, and health care. She is a graduate of the Akitsiraq law school with a law degree from the University of Victoria. After graduating, she worked at the Supreme Court of Canada for Madam Justice Charron. Madeleine is a member of the National Indigenous Economic Development Consortium, Arctic360, Trudeau Foundation, President of the Ajungi Group, Northern Robotics, and COO of CanArctic Inuit Networks.
Madeleine’s expertise is grounded in partnership-building and developing local capacity toward fulfilling the goal of self-government and good governance. She has a record of working with industry, governments, indigenous organizations, and communities, helping to assess and identify strategies and approaches for better outcomes.
Inuit Nunangat
Inuit Nunangat is the Inuit homeland in Canada, encompassing the land claims regions of Nunavut, Nunavik in Northern Quebec, Nunatsiavut in Northern Labrador, and the Inuvialuit Settlement Region of the Northwest Territories. It is inclusive of land, water, and ice, and describes an area encompassing 35 percent of Canada’s landmass and 50 percent of its coastline.
Credit: Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami